Recently on my trip to York, I was fortunate enough to come across Pandoras Box which is a shop that sells antiques and oddities. Their tag line on their business card is "Your one stop weird shop" which I feel describes them perfectly! The lady in there was super cool and chatted for a while AND didn't mind being recorded which was ace. Her name was Heather :)
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Their buisness card |
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Shop front |
Me: So whats your favourite ghost story from around York?
Her: Theres arm a building one of, one of the ghost tours touches on it and I wish I could remember which building but it has a little tiny window, and the story is that the little girl always look out that window.
Me: oooooooh
Her: But its funny cause its stayed with my five year old and every time were walking past she says that that's the little girls window, and I, I always think it’d be kinda funny if I like, let her wear like a long night-gown and just run past the ghost tour when they’re right at that point.
Me: hahahaha
Her: But, but its a very distinctive window, its near, its near um, its somewhere near the back of the minster
Me: oh OK, is it like an extension or is it a totally different building?
Her: Maybe kinda near the treasurers house,
Me: Is it like a little kind of like porthole one?
Her: Yeah, yeah
Me: I think I might know the one you mean
Her: Yeah its tiny, its a tiny window and its just sort of at the end of a building, on this side (gesturing with hands) of a white building. But they always point it out on the, on the ghost walks but its really the only one that's stuck out in my daughters mind (laughing)
Me: that's so interesting that she's picked that up, why, what do you thinks made her focus on that?
Her: I know! I dunno, I feel like kids are kinda more susceptible to things than us
Me: Yeah that's spooky, have you and your daughter been on many ghost tours around York then?
Her: Um, only a couple of ‘um, but the one that starts at the minster at 7:30 is really good
Me: oh cool thanks I might try and catch that tonight
Her: Yeah that ones really good and he's there most nights and it doesn’t get to be like 50 people like some of the others so…
Me: Thats really good!
Her: It makes it nice and peaceful and he's actually really nice as well, I think his names Greg, but he's very nice you know, just to chat with
Me: Ah thats good, well thank you so much you’ve been really helpful!
What did I learn from this interview?
- Firstly, considering I used to pester people in the streets for charity donations as an actual job, its safe to say I'm pretty cack at giving interviews and generally conversing with humans that aren't within my close circle.
- When theres a silence in future when I'm interviewing someone, I now know if its me that's leading the interview, its my bloody job to fill that silence. Otherwise its just A) awkward for both of us, and B) makes me look like I don't know what I'm meant to be saying
- People are literally fascinating and have so much to say for themselves usually which makes them such an amazing resource that I need to utilise
- Next time I interview someone I really need to have a list of questions ready rather than just a general idea of what I'm asking
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