This morning I had a tiny bit of a crisis about wether or not my final images were any good. I went from thinking I was nearly finished with them to realising that I actually hated looking at them and thought they looked really tacky. I spoke to Theresa and we decided I should try putting the images onto square backgrounds as before there was a lot of wasted space, and use a brighter coloured background as the grey one made everything pretty hard to see.
These are what I came up with!
Good points:
- the compositions look more considered and therefore interesting
- the bright coloured backgrounds make all the information easier to see and understand
- they also amplify the juxtaposition of the style of the image and the quotes
- they look more kitsch now whereas before I think they did just look tacky! I wanted them to look slightly kitschy as the podcast features some retro themes and I think that pairs well
- these just communicate what I wanted to get across better
Points to improve on:
- I'm still not 100% on the composition of the first or third images, I think they could be slightly reworked, maybe the first one is too small? looks a bit lost on the page
- maybe it needs something in the background or to be on a different background?
- and I don't know that the second one looks good with and orange background, I personally think it looks a bit insipid
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