Is your proposal viable?
- Really solid visual identity
- clear sense of place in the industry, already finding a niche
- you know your audience, and your project seems to be geared nicely towards the audience you want to be appealing to
- colouring book definitely achievable in the time given, but maybe the picture book isn't? Depending on whether you intend to write it yourself as well
What next?
- continue developing colouring book content, maybe some informational pages on introverts inside?
- make it interactive, pull out pages to colour and keep, puzzles and games
- consider re-development of type for cover
- find a place to print it!
- continue with self driven work for instagram and Etsy
- work on commissions- the ones your taking now seem to mix well with the kind of work you want to be doing
- think about maybe just making a proposal for you children's book to take to publishers etc. A few double page spreads, visual concepts and ideas etc
Recommendations for research tasks
- think about development of work from perspective of what you want your work to be marketed as "ENGAGING AESTHETICS FOR MENTAL JOY AND VISUAL TREATS"
- how can your audience benefit from your work?
- what do you want to do for them?
- your work is cause and belief driven so look at getting more involved with the causes you believe in and trying to make change there
- work more with charities? look at which charities around subjects like feminism, mental health etc could do mix well with your practise
- look into the children's book market, whats already out there? What are people buying? Why are they buying it? FIND THE GAP IN THE MARKET
Other comments
- consider taking more time to make a finished image, experimenting with lengthier processes such as painting
- don't forget to not rely to much on the digital
- have some fun making your own stuff, do what you want to do, maybe make a list of small projects that you intend to keep ticking over this year?
- keep responding to commercial client briefs, good as it gives you a bit of money, more for your portfolio and new connections with clients
- do some more detailed designs like your portraits and use those to apply to clothing, bags etc, even if it means screen printing them
My thoughts-
I'm happy with my current mix of working for myself on small projects, for clients and for long standing projects such as my colouring book as it means that if I'm having a mental block working on one of those things I can change it up. I also think my commercial work is feeding nicely into my personal work and I'm starting to receive requests from clients to work on projects that really excite me and suit my practise. I do think I need to move away from purely digital work as I really can rely on it too much. I think I've found a way of working where I can mix the two and I'm pleased with the aesthetic it gives, I just need to dedicate more time to making things look good. I also need to timetable myself properly to ensure that I achieve all my goals during the week as at the moment I'm wasting a lot of time.
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