Friday, 11 November 2016


THE BOOK COVER HAS FINALLY BEEN FINISHED...and I'm actually really happy with it. The whole printing process and folding it and cutting it to fit my book was a little stressful and probably a process that I need to work on. But its turned out pretty well (apart from the label on the spine being a little too big, but that's probably partly just me being picky).

From this brief I've definitely learnt the value of being patient on Photoshop and that it can really give you some great results if you just keep plugging away at it. This has really pushed me to stop being afraid of using methods I'm not used to rather than just sticking with what I know I'm good at, because if I just keep doing that, I'm not sure I'll ever improve. Its also really hit it home that sometimes the best ideas can be the simple ones, and the value of the line quality can do SO much to make something look more polished. I didn't even know what a line quality was a few weeks ago and now I can't do a drawing without considering it which is ace. 

Sorry that got a bit emotional there, its been a long and painful session on the computer and my eyes hurt. Anyway, heres some pictures of my finished book jacket. OUIL304, you've been bloody stressful, but pretty great.

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