After a long hard day of cutting stupid shapes out of paper and sticking them onto what is essentially a girl on a chair with a blanket over her head THE DEED IS DONE. It was so much harder than I'd expected and actually, sadly a bit less rewarding, there were a few things that in the heat of the moment went a bit wrong but I guess I can always improve on them for next time.
- The movement looks exactly how I wanted it! if not even better, the camera allowed me to just take a burst of photos as Anna was making the movements so it looks almost like a video which I'm really chuffed about
- I think its generally clearer whats going on in this GIF than the last one
- My character has done me proud and still works really well in this no drawn dimension, his expression is still really, well, expressive and I think it suits the tone of voice I was trying to accomplish for him
- As I previously said, in the heat of the moment that this seemed to actually be going the way I hoped it would, I forgot to make a few changes to the animation, I was going to have the eyes both facing in on the frames where Ricardo was being sick so he appeared cross eyed/ upset but I forgot so now he looks completely unfazed at the milk sick pouring out of his mouth
- The arms were also a little bit out of the frame, which is a shame as this means you can't really see the hand drop the bottle of milk
- Lastly Anna's head wasn't really the right shape or size to support Ricardo's massive eyes (not her fault obviously) but it meant that the eyes didn't make as much of an impact as I'd have liked and where maybe a little hard to distinguish from the blanket? Maybe if I tried this again I could have made a paper cut out to go under the blanket which was the right size?
Side note:
I'm feeling a little critical of this GIF, even though I'm happy I tried something new, and it has payed off in the way that I'm happy with the way the character is moving and I feel like I'm getting more to grips with this kind of sequential animation and how a character needs to move to translate well into a GIF. HOWEVER, I might also trial some stuff with Plasticine tomorrow or maybe clay? Just to see if I can say what I'm trying to say in this GIF, but better.
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