Friday, 9 February 2018

Goals For 504

Something I'll take forward into 504:
I'd like to keep on pushing the aesthetic that I've begun slowly honing in the last few briefs and finding new ways to make it and my personal tone of voice evident in the work in making. That includes work that I'm not just making for myself, but also in the live briefs and things that aren't what I usually would do.

How I'm going to challenge myself:
I'm going to challenge myself to be more confident and self assured with the work I make, and therefore hopefully be more excited and passionate about the final outcomes. Also to rough things up more before I make the final outcome and push myself more when it being creative with composition and layouts. Don't just always go with your first idea!!!

What do I want to accomplish during 504?:
I would like to get closer to developing a sort of basic system for how I tackle projects and briefs, at the moment when were given a new project I tend to panic about it for a while, not do any work, then realise that I'm behind and do a few rushed sketches. This means I'm always pushed for time in the end and often end up rushing my desisions and inevitably never feeling like my final outcome is as polished as it could be. It would be nice to find a way of tackling and breaking down new projects that works for me and helps me get excited about the task at hand. ALSO I'd like to start just drawing more as part of my practise.

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